Prescription processing
Easy-to-use, intuitive prescription processing speeds up and improves your customer service. All the tools you need are integrated into the same system. The information necessary for serving your customers is provided conveniently in a single view.
Pharmacy management and finances
You can easily monitor and develop your pharmacy’s operations through MAXX. The graphic reports provide real-time information of your sales and profit margins. MAXX enables flexible pricing and efficient financial administration. We use intranet for internal communication and shift planning.
Logistics and inventory management
Advanced automation in inventory management and logistics simplifies and speeds up pharmacy management and keeps costs under control. Electronic delivery notes ensure quick unpacking of goods, and the MAXX hand terminal enables inventory management also on the pharmacy premises.
Dose dispensing and nursing homes
The dose dispensing program integrated into MAXX provides advanced automated functions and speeds up your work. Communication with nursing homes and home nursing services, including the ordering of pharmaceuticals, can be managed with the MAXX Hoitotieto program.
Customer service and customer loyalty programmes
Versatile tools for serving the customers of your pharmacy and running a customer loyalty programme. All customer information conveniently in a single view. Automatic reminder service and self-service checkout expand the range of your service channels.
Marketing and sales promotion
With MAXX, you can plan, allocate and accurately monitor your marketing measures. The persons responsible for shelf replenishment can quickly see the results of their actions. A diverse range of real-time sales reports helps to develop your pharmacy business.
About Us

I chose MAXX because it is user-friendly and provides opportunities for the improvement of efficiency with great monetary value.
Jari Viitanen, Proprietary Pharmacist at Keski-Kotkan Apteekki

MAXX is easy to use with convenient access to all information. This gives me more time for development work.
Anne Kivelä, Proprietary Pharmacist at Pellon Apteekki